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Facebook Integration

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At Samba, we know that targeting customers with email and personalisation alone is not enough. That’s why we bring you the opportunity to use your audiences on Facebook as well. Connecting Samba and Facebook is easy and all you need is a Facebook Business Manager account. In this tool, you can use the audiences you create for targeting on both Facebook and Instagram platforms.

Thanks to the connection, you can automatically send relevant customers based on Samba analysis to so-called custom audiences on Facebook. Here, you can easily set up advertising campaigns targeting these audiences. These audiences can then be further managed, filtered and expanded within Business Manager using Facebook’s look-a-like modeling.

More information about Facebook integration is in our blogpost Optimize your Facebook and Instagram Campaigns with Custom Audiences.

Connecting Facebook with Samba

To get started, navigate to your Settings by clicking the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of your admin panel. From there, click the “Implementation” tab and there you’ll see the Facebook Ad Accounts tab. Simply click the “Connect” button to connect your Facebook Ad account to Samba (see image below).

Sign into your account.

For Samba to be able to manage your custom audiences, it will need permission to manage your ads. With that set, click the “OK” button to proceed.

No Ad Account

When no advertising account linked to Business Manager is available, contact your administrator to link the advertising account to your business account. More information can be found here.

Accepting the terms of use in the Facebook settings

Facebook’s policy requires that the terms of use must be approved by all administrators of the Business Manager Account. Once approved, it can take up to 90 minutes for the approval to be reflected in Samba.

Validity period for granting access

Facebook’s policy allows a maximum of 60 days to grant access. All that the person who granted access to FB Business Manager has to do is log into Samba at any time to automatically extend access. 14 days before the access expires, Samba will automatically start notifying you of the upcoming expiration through a notification bar.

Select the Ad account in which you want to use with Samba.

Custom Audiences

With that all set, it’s time to set up a Flow Campaign. As you’re setting one up, you should now be able to choose Facebook from among the Channel options (see image below).

Choose your own audience or create a new one.

Here’s an example of a Flow Campaign complete with Facebook integration:

Disconnecting Samba from Facebook

If you want to stop using Facebook connection, just click Disconnect in Samba.

If you are unable to disconnect, we recommend accessing the Facebook settings page (Settings > Business Integrations) https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=business_tools&section=active where you can manually remove the samba.ai application by clicking Remove.

After this operation, you can also delete all the data you have submitted to Samba. Simply click on the Removed tab and select View details > Send Request for samba.ai application.

This post is also available in: Czech

Updated on June 5, 2024

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