Push campaigns

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Push notifications integration

To successfully send push campaigns, you first need to have the service set up according to the push notification integration guide.

Types of Campaigns

One-off Push Campaigns

  1. You can use the panel on the left side to work with Push notifications.
  2. Click on “New Push notification” and create a notification based on the required fields. 
  3. Once notifications are launched, customers will be able to receive notifications – provided, of course, that they subscribe to the notifications themselves.

Flow campaigns

Use the “Push Notification” action when creating a flow campaign according to this guide.

Features of push notifications

Large image

In supported browsers, a “large image” can be inserted into a Push Notification if it meets the following properties:

  • Size: min. 360x180px, normally 512x256px, 1440x720px
  • Aspect ratio: 2:1
  • Image format: .jpg, .png

Only Chrome, Opera and Edge currently support this.

Message display time

Push notifications are automatically set to be displayed to the user until they perform an action (close a message, click through).

Only Chrome, Opera and Edge currently support this.

Encoding special characters in URL

Currently only officially supported characters according to specification RFC 3986 can be inserted in the URL link. If you need to use any other special characters, they have to be encoded (i.e., replaced by another characters), e.g., using this encoding table.
For example in order to replace square brackets use the following:

  • [ –> %5B
  • ] –> %5D

Thus the link https://www.example.com?param=value[1] will be changed to https://www.example.com?param=value%5B1%5D.

Campaign Evaluation

The following statistics are available for each Push Campaign:

  • Targeted
    • Messages delivered to the push servers of the providers who forward the messages to subscribers.
  • Sent by Vendor
    • Messages successfully delivered to providers who forward messages to subscribers. The push notification servers are operated by Google, Apple, Microsoft and Mozilla, for example.
  • Received
    • Messages received by the browser on the subscriber’s device.
  • Failed
    • Messages that were not delivered due to cancelled subscriptions or unforeseen circumstances, such as a temporary problem on the push provider’s servers.
  • Throttled
    • Users subscribed to push notifications who were not sent a message because they were contacted by another of your push notifications in the last hour.
  • Clicked
    • The number of push notifications with a recorded click-through.
  • Closed
    • The number of push notifications that have been closed by the user.
  • Conversion
    • Number of orders and revenue size based on Google Analytics attribution models.

This post is also available in: Czech Polish

Updated on June 5, 2024

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