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Advanced data integration settings

This post is also available in: Czech Polish

Rounding of prices

The newsletter is filled with the prices listed in the product feed. However, if you have some prices set to values like 419,72 USD, you can tell Samba to round such price to the number of decimal places you want.

This setting can be found in Settings – Integration – Data Integration – Connection Settings, where you can choose if and to how many decimal places you want to round prices

For example, using “Number of decimal places: 0” would round prices to whole numbers. The price of 419,72 USD would therefore be rounded to 420 USD.

Subscribe unregistered customers who made an order

In the Settings – Integration – Data Integration – Connection Settings, you will also find the option to subscribe unregistered customers who have placed an order.
If you select this option, Samba will automatically sign up unregistered customers (i.e. those who are not part of the customer feed, but only the order feed) or those who did not give their consent during registration.

GDPR states that you do have rights to do this, but you will have to make sure that you are eligible to do so (this is called “Legitimate Interest“). Also, be sure to have properly working “Unsubscribe” link in the footer of your newsletter.

Custom parameter configuration

You can configure your own parameters in Settings – Integration – Data integration.

By default, all custom parameters are processed as a string. In Samba you can configure these parameters and change their data type to datetime.

Format of values in the data feed

Custom parameters that you want to process as datetime must be specified in the feed in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD (more information).

This change will allow you to use these parameters in advanced anniversary filtering to send, for example, birthday wishes – see the dedicated article on this topic.

In the Custom Parameters configuration, just select the source feed, the parameter name and set the date type to datetime.

If used in a template, the parameter will be displayed in DD. MM. YYYY format

This post is also available in: Czech Polish

Updated on April 19, 2024

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